(What We Offer)
We offer many services to both parishioners as well as others who need it. Some of the services we offer are;
Scholarship Committee: First Church of Waterbury gives out thousands of dollars in scholarships each year to area students attending college. Most scholarships are $1000 and are renewable for 4 years, provided the student maintains a minimum grade. If you are interested in receiving an application for one of our many scholarships, please call or email the church office. The deadline for both new and renewed applications is April 1st of each year. Download new scholarship application here. Download renew scholarship application here.

Schlegel Committee: The grants and services of the SCHLEGEL FUNDS are NOT available at this time.  Please check back for updates.
This committee meets 4 times per year, in February, May, August, and November to consider grant requests. The maximum grant amount is $20,000. If you would like more information, including deadline dates for grant requests, or a grant application, please email us or call the church office. Click here to download your application. If you have any further question please email Roxanne. We thank you for your interest.

Hall Rental – the church hall can be rented out for various activities by filling out the Building Use Application or by calling the church. Click here to see pictures of the hall, the kitchen and meeting areas and to download an application by clicking here.

The Joy of Christmas Dinner – each year the First Congregational Church feeds the homeless and anybody who wants a home-cooked meal on Christmas Day. This dinner staffed by volunteers and much of the food comes from area businesses as well as the church.
Other services include a church picnic held during the summer, various youth fellowship events held during the year for children aged 8 – 16, Church Fair held in November, and our annual Hanging of the Greens music service in December.
We also provide a church choir and crafts and painting groups. The church houses The Ark Child Development Center (children’s day care) on the lower level, not affiliated with the church, is for children aged 9 months to 4 years old. Their number is 203-757-9917.